Monday 31 January 2011

Email from Kevin - 'Re: Sketches'

Sorry Rachel,

Was thinking of you over the weekend - it's been manic with work. No excuse. Very rude, I know....;-)

Yes, I did get them and I have viewed them. They look good - you've got some good ideas there.

I really like the idea of the streetstyleuk blog - that might be something we can develop together as part of this project, as we are always limited to what can go into print.

Re the designs, I like the creativity of board 28, but I need the space to work harder in featuring more people. What you've done works well if there are only one or two images to manipulate. So let's leave that one. Board 27 is great, but doesn't move the section forward. You're absolutely right in what you're suggesting, but we need to take it to the next level. So, of the three, my favourite is board 29. I'd really like to see this developed, real photographs used from out and about in Nottingham and take it from there.

When you are doing the shots, make sure you are consistent. Ask them all the SAME questions, so you can use the answers in the feature - eg What is your favourite item of clothing this season? What are you saving up to buy this season? etc. Just some ideas, but make sure everyone answers - nothing worse than inconsistency. Same goes with age, job etc. If you ask one person it, ask them all.


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