Tuesday 15 February 2011

Final presentation

Today I presented my finished street style feature to the rest of my class. I also put together a PowerPoint document will the work that I have done since the previous presentation, such as sketches, mock-ups, photography and fonts.

Friday 11 February 2011

Email from Kevin - 'Re: Presentation'

Well, we generally work from PDF, but if you're presenting to class, I'd go down the overhead projector route and talk them through key points verbally.
I'm not in much of today, so if you need me before your presentation use my mobile. If you don't get to speak to me though, good luck!
Let me know how it goes.

Email to Kevin - 'Presentation'

Hi Kevin,
I'll be presenting my finished street style page to my class next week.
Just emailing to see if there is a way that you present finished articles, or how you expect people to present them to you when they have finished?
Such as on boards, powerpoint presentations or PDF's, for example.
Thanks for any help!

Wednesday 9 February 2011

Email from Kevin - 'Re: Mock Up'

Looking good. Remember, that if this is to go as a double page spread, we'd normally aim at featuring at least a dozen photographs, so bear that in mind as you're developing image use and amount of text.



Image mock up

Image of sample article emailed to Kevin for critique.

Email to Kevin - 'Mock ups'

Hi Kevin!
Ive attached a mock up/rough start of the double page spread.
This is just a sample of the photos and the type of font/writing I was going with.
Ive also added some other inital mock ups on the blog (www.ukstreetstyle.blogspot.com) a couple of entries before (Monday 7th February)
Those are just variations on the title and text around it. I.e, one is with 'Street Style' in bold, one is in lower case, and so on.
Let me know what you think.

Tuesday 8 February 2011


The majority of the photos which will be included in the finished double page spread were taken this afternoon. Some more will be taken tomorrow morning, to give me a wide range to choose from. I will then put a draft or preliminary layout together and send to Kevin for him to look over and to see if anything needs changing or improving tomorrow afternoon/evening. This gives me enough time to make the necessary changes before the presentation next Tuesday (15/02/11)

Monday 31 January 2011

Lomography street style

(Credit: http://achtlos.deviantart.com/art/lomography-XIX-71708086)

Email to Kevin - 'RE: Sketches'

That helps alot, thanks.
With the questions; ofcourse. I'll have some ready.

Email from Kevin - 'Re: Sketches'

No problems.

Re questions, they were just an example. Have a think of some of your own, too.

Also, when I said consistency, I also meant in how you report the outfit - eg
Hat by
Coat by
Dress by
Tights by
Shoes by
Handbag by
Hair by

All men and women get the same treatment.

Hope this helps.

PS Good luck with the dissertation!

Email to Kevin - 'RE: Sketches'

I've been working on my dissertation too, so I know how it feels!
29 was one of my favourites too. Hopefully I'll be able to get out with a camera over the next couple of days, so I'll send you the photo's/mock up's when I've done.
Thanks for the help about the questions. I was wondering what type of questions you'd want.
Thanks again for your help/feedback!

Email from Kevin - 'Re: Sketches'

Sorry Rachel,

Was thinking of you over the weekend - it's been manic with work. No excuse. Very rude, I know....;-)

Yes, I did get them and I have viewed them. They look good - you've got some good ideas there.

I really like the idea of the streetstyleuk blog - that might be something we can develop together as part of this project, as we are always limited to what can go into print.

Re the designs, I like the creativity of board 28, but I need the space to work harder in featuring more people. What you've done works well if there are only one or two images to manipulate. So let's leave that one. Board 27 is great, but doesn't move the section forward. You're absolutely right in what you're suggesting, but we need to take it to the next level. So, of the three, my favourite is board 29. I'd really like to see this developed, real photographs used from out and about in Nottingham and take it from there.

When you are doing the shots, make sure you are consistent. Ask them all the SAME questions, so you can use the answers in the feature - eg What is your favourite item of clothing this season? What are you saving up to buy this season? etc. Just some ideas, but make sure everyone answers - nothing worse than inconsistency. Same goes with age, job etc. If you ask one person it, ask them all.


Email to Kevin - 'Sketches'

Hi Kevin,
Just emailing to see if you'd managed to have a look over the skecthes I emailed you last week?
Rachel Goodwin

Monday 24 January 2011

Email to Kevin - 'Ideas'

Hi Kevin,
Sorry its been a while since I last emailed you last.
I've attached some layout ideas I've sketched out. Examples and options I thought of.
I've got a blog running at www.ukstreetstyle.blogspot.com where I've scanned the mood boards and such and uploaded them.
Let me know what you think!
Apologises again for the late reply.

Rachel Goodwin