Friday 29 October 2010

Email and Report

26th October and 28th/29th October

I emailed Kevin to see if there were any other requirements for the report. There wasn't any. To help me create new and innovative layouts for the publication, I began looking at background information surrounding the magaizne, and its different platforms. After looking through the digital version of the magazine, I began writing the report. This was then emailed to Kevin, my industry adviser. I also included options for me to put my layout ideas onto paper.

Monday 18 October 2010

Project set

18th October

For my professional practice module, I will be working with 69 degrees magazine. They want me to give them some feedback on their Street Style feature, and how I'd take the feature forward. After reading through the brief, my client would like me to write a report covering elements such as critque of the segment and potential layouts.