Tuesday 7 December 2010


Today I have my presentation of the pre production work. I have put together a skecth book which includes several mood boards, design ideas, sketches, inspirations and research. This will be to the rest of my class, and will recieve feedback on my project.

Monday 6 December 2010

Email from Kevin - 'Re: Presentation'

Sorry for delay - have been in France snowboarding til earlier this morning.

I'd suggest a board per dps suggestion. Beyond that, it will depend on how many ideas you want to present. There is, to my knowledge, not an industry standard. Think about your audience and use your own gut feeling - too much and people will get bored, too little and it will leave your audience confused.


Friday 3 December 2010

Email to Kevin - 'Presentation'

Hi Kevin,
How many moodboards do you use when pitching for a page redesign? On average? I've got quite alot of images and magazine cutouts, but I want to keep the number as close as possible to industry?

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Mood boards

To start coming up with ideas for the potential street style page, I'm going to start putting together some mood boards of fonts, colours, layouts and styles that I like from current magazines. This is what Kevin and his staff do at 69 degrees when then re-design a page.


Thursday 18 November 2010

Inspirations #2

Scanned fashion spreads from UK InStyle (picture 1) and British Elle (pictures 2 -5). Not all of these are street style pages, but the general layouts are appealing to me and my kind of style.






Wednesday 17 November 2010

Email from Kevin - 'RE: Presentation'

Hi Rachel,

When we're usually redesigning a feature or section of the magazine, our first step is to research. Look at similar features (if they exist) from other sources. Look at fonts you like and have seen used. We build a mood board of inspiration for each section and then mention what we like about each aspect. This is usually presented to the design team and verbally gone through, too. WE do this the old fashioned way and cut out bits of mags and kinda make a collage.

From there, the elements we like/dislike inspire the design layout suggestions you come up with. We usually come up with 2-3 treatments of the feature or section to get a feel for what we like.

This is done electronically as pdf files.

Hope this helps?


The September Issue

This film details the putting together of the September issue of US Vogue magazine, the biggest edition of the year. This particular clip is important, as it shows the style directors pitching idea's to the editor for a potentional story, which is what i'll be doing.

Street style - Birmingham

On Sunday (21/11/10), I will be going to Birmingham on a shopping trip. I'm going to use this oppurtunity to take some photos of the local shopping areas, and the fashion available, aswell as the public themselves. As it's November, I'm sure they'll be a fair share of aviator jackets, mac's and parka's on display.

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Thursday 11 November 2010


Below are some inspirations of other fashion magazines and journals street style pages;

Tuesday 9 November 2010

On the streets

People have always been interested in each others clothes, whether it's a dress in a friends wardrobe, or a fellow commuter's shoes on a train. By being part of the construction of a street style page, I will be able to see how the trends on the runway directly affect what people are wearing on the streets, and visa versa.


Over the next couple of days, and maybe into next week, I hope to visit Loughborough and Leicester to take some photos of what the locals wear. As these cities and towns are heavily populated with students, which fit with the magazine's target audience, I should find a wide range of different styles. I will also find look into where the clothes are bought, so the local shopping centres and districts.

Friday 29 October 2010

Email and Report

26th October and 28th/29th October

I emailed Kevin to see if there were any other requirements for the report. There wasn't any. To help me create new and innovative layouts for the publication, I began looking at background information surrounding the magaizne, and its different platforms. After looking through the digital version of the magazine, I began writing the report. This was then emailed to Kevin, my industry adviser. I also included options for me to put my layout ideas onto paper.

Monday 18 October 2010

Project set

18th October

For my professional practice module, I will be working with 69 degrees magazine. They want me to give them some feedback on their Street Style feature, and how I'd take the feature forward. After reading through the brief, my client would like me to write a report covering elements such as critque of the segment and potential layouts.